Bordered by the Congo River to the east and the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Republic of Congo has always been a natural gateway to Central Africa.
Located at the heart of the Congo Basin, the planet's second green lung.
Production of barrels/day
Surface area
Growth 2023
Inflation 2023
Population: 58% under 25 years of age
Ideally located at the heart of Africa's Atlantic seaboard, the Republic of the Congo offers major investment opportunities, not only in its own right, but also as a gateway to the regional market.
The Republic of Congo has over 22 million hectares of forest, representing around 65% of its territory and the third-largest forest area in Africa. It therefore faces the dual challenge of encouraging responsible logging as a factor in development, while at the same time protecting this heritage and biodiversity. As a result, the regulatory framework has been strengthened by the adoption of the new Forestry Code in 2020, which includes the creation of a production-sharing contract, a ban on the export of raw logs and the introduction of a national forest certification system. Developing theĀ carbon economy has also been identified as a way of enhancing the value of this sector.Ā
protected areas